University of Toronto

From radios and robots to bridges and biofuels, U of T Engineering has been leading change and driving innovation for more than 150 years. This is where transformative thinkers come to thrive.

You’ll work alongside exceptional researchers and graduate students who lead in their areas. Supported by governmental research funding agencies and external partners, the caliber and global impact of our research contributes to our reputation for excellence and as Canada’s top-ranked engineering school.

Whether you’re pursuing a research-intensive MASc or PhD or a professional master’s like the MEng, your experience at U of T Engineering extends far beyond the St. George campus. Our location in the heart of Toronto’s Discovery District gives you unparalleled access to leverage partnerships with surrounding innovation incubators, world-class hospitals, firms in Canada’s financial hub and industry-leading companies headquartered in the city.

You’ll collaborate with professors, researchers, entrepreneurs and industry partners from around the world in state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities. This rich ecosystem provides you with important experience for today’s global marketplace. You’ll also benefit from specialized programs designed to jumpstart your career, whether you plan to work in industry, academia or start your own company.

The U of T Engineering community is known for being especially supportive, inclusive and closely knit. We are proud of being one of the oldest, finest and most diverse engineering schools in Canada.